
Poetry- Bits and Pieces

Poetry- Bits and Pieces


Box thinkers, Rule makers
slowly poisoning my mind.
Rules- not mine
But, step by step
I follow.
Keeps me in check.
My blood runs black with
My heart pounding, racing
can't take it anymore.

Suffocating soul
has declared independence
from my old self, the box fitting self.
In search of
the new me, the true me
the always been there me,
the shackled and forgotten me.

I will let my heart- bleed
to flush the poison from my life
I will let my heart- ache
to let raw emotion flow
I will let my heart- be open
to receive love from others
I will let my heart- love
for that, is what I need.

Blood spilt, mixing with ink
creating a horrible mess
I will tell my story, none the less.

I will feel alive!


I Am

I am the willow that bends in the wind
But does not break
I am the tide that caresses your feet
As you walk along the shore
I am the wave, powerful
Crashing on the rocks
I am the river cutting through
Walls of stone
Over time-relentless
I am the rain, washing
I am the wind bringing
You flowers
Whenever I blow.
I am the earth, to comfort you
To hold you

Till the end of time.


There For You

If I were a sweater
I’d be your favourite
baggy, loose fitting
warm and comfortable
a little frayed
at the cuffs
I’d have a hood to keep out the cold north wind
Some pockets to hold your hand
on late evening strolls through the forest
I’d wrap myself around your bare shoulders
as we lay out under the stars
howling at the moon
protecting you from the elements
and anything that comes your way
I’d have a zipper
allowing me to adapt to any situation
all the way up for those cool autumn mornings
when you have coffee on the deck
Stained of course, coffee, wine, a little blood
my imperfections
adding character
On those days when you think you don’t need me
I’d be there jammed into your pack
Just in case
When passion overtakes you
I’d lie in a heap beside your bed
waiting to cover
your shivering body

I’d be there for you.


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